Application for Training Course or assessment

(This form is for use by those who are resident outside of the UK)

Please complete the form below in order to book a place on a '' training course or assessment. Complete all fields with a *. You will then be required to click a PayPal link, this will include the use of all major credit/debit cards.

Each form should be completed per applicant, once the form has been submitted, you will be asked if you would like to add another applicant if necessary.

*Course Title

*Course Venue and Date - or Online Course:

*Full Name:

Date of Birth (If Under 18): (dd/mm/yy)


*Address 1:

*Address 2:

Address 3:


Organisation Represented (if applicable):

Any relevant qualifications held:

Any previous experience in Rebound Therapy:

Are there any medical conditions of which we should be aware?

If you have a discount or credit code, type it in the box

Now please click the 'I'm not a robot' box below. then the 'Next' box below that, and you will be taken to the online payment page where you can pay by credit / debit card or PayPal.
