THE PHRASE 'REBOUND THERAPY', when correctly applied,
describes a specific methodology, assessment and programme of use of trampolines to provide
opportunities for enhanced movement patterns, therapeutic positioning, exercise and recreation for a
wide range of users with additional needs.
STUDENTS' PROGRESS IS recorded using the Winstrada development
programme. Grades 1, 2 and 3 of this programme are based entirely on the original, accredited and
approved 'Eddy Anderson model' training course as detailed on this website.
When working with students with profound or complex needs, progress can be accurately measured and
recorded using the Huddersfield Functional Index in conjunction with the Winstrada development programme.
THE PHRASE 'REBOUND THERAPY' was coined by the founder, E.G.
Anderson, in 1969 to describe the use of trampolines in providing therapeutic exercise and recreation
for people with a wide range of special needs.
Participants range from mild to severe physical disabilities and from mild to profound and multiple
learning disabilities, including dual sensory impairment and autistic spectrum.
REBOUND THERAPY IS used to facilitate movement, promote balance,
promote an increase or decrease in muscle tone, promote relaxation, promote sensory integration,
improve fitness and exercise tolerance, and to improve communication skills.
THE PRINCIPLES OF Rebound Therapy form the basis of all gymnastic movement
and are therefore a logical and advisable starting point for trampoline coach training – even for those
who have no intention of teaching people with disabilities.
THE OFFICIAL UK body, worldwide federation, and consultancy for Rebound Therapy is They are responsible for the development and provision of the certificated and accredited Rebound Therapy training
courses, and for the development of overseas training partners.