Earwig Progress

Recording App
for Rebound Therapy


Trampolining sessions


App for phone, tablet or laptop to record progress in Rebound Therapy and Trampolining.


Earwig Academic is the UK’s largest progress recording software developer for schools, colleges and universities.

They have been working closely with ReboundTherapy.org to develop a progress and outcomes measuring system for Trampoline and Rebound Therapy, to use on tablet, laptop and phone, without the inconvenience of papers, folders and pens.

All Trampoline Coaches and Rebound Therapy Practitioners keep records of students' progress and outcomes, and this is traditionally accomplished using folders of printed sheets.  

What if there were an efficient, easy and secure upgrade to this system?  
Good news - there is!

Earwig Academic have configured two versions of their schools' software framework, specifically for use with the trampoline.
The software is based on the Winstrada trampoline development programme which is used and recognised internationally.

Below are the two versions of the framework:

  1. The Rebound Therapy development programme, using the Huddersfield Functional Index, enabling those working with individuals with profound and complex needs to very accurately provide evidence of outcomes.
    (The development programme and HFI are covered in detail on the Rebound Therapy training course, so transitioning to recording progress electronically using the app will be easy.)

  2. Trampoline development programme, using the full Winstrada Trampoline scheme
    Starting at Grades 1 - 3 (the Rebound Therapy programme) and then from Grade 4 onwards, the scheme seamlessly evolves into mainstream trampolining, making the app suitable for measuring progress for all levels and all abilities. This Framework goes right through to Advanced Grade A3 for Trampoline coaches working with highly able students or athletes.
Users can choose to use either or both of the above versions of the framework to suit their needs.
Plus there is a wide range of other learning frameworks available in the Earwig Framework Library

 The Earwig Bronze account enables Coaches, Teachers and Practitioners to harness a range of Earwig facilities, including

  • - Vivid progress timelines for each pupil
    - Tracking and performance measurement
    - Automatic production of pupil and group reports
    - Enhanced parental engagement
    - Highlight achievement and verify the grades that they currently record using pencil and paper

Earwig works in partnership with ReboundTherapy.org and are giving every Rebound Therapy Practitioner or Trampoline Coach who sets up and Earwig Bronze account in 2025 a 25% discount off the usual price, every year for the next five years.

The Earwig App uses the latest technology to make progress recording easy and user friendly, with a few simple clicks.
There is video instruction at every stage, and always friendly and helpful customer service from the Earwig team.



If you are a Trampoline Coach or Rebound Therapy Practitioner interested in using Earwig to manage your assessments, student progress notes and records, you will find the Earwig system quick and easy to set up and use.

The Earwig account type you will need is a 'Bronze' account.

This system is an invaluable progress recording aid for venues including schools, trampoline clubs, leisure centres, physiotherapy centres, trampoline parks and more!





Earwig Academic work in partnership with ReboundTherapy.org and are giving every Rebound Therapy Practitioner or Trampoline Coach who sets up an Earwig Bronze account in 2025 a 25% discount off the usual price, every year for the next five years.


Click here for more information and to get started

Remember - it's the Earwig 'Bronze' account that you will need.

Simply use the code 'Rebounders' on the Earwig website when setting up your new account to claim your discount.


If you have a question at any point in the process, please contact the Earwig team on:

Tel: 0333 6666 166 or email: info@earwigacademic.com for advice and they will be happy to help.

To book a free, no commitment online software demo with Earwig, please click here.

Click here for more information and to get started