
(Rebound Therapy Practitioner)
Also known as Step 1 (of 3) of the Trampoline Coach 3-Step Pathway

This course is portable and validates the successful candidates to lead Rebound Therapy sessions at any suitable school or centre.

There are no specific prerequisite qualifications or previous experience necessary for attendance on this course.
Completion of this course entitles the candidate to eligibility for Membership of the Rebound Therapy Institute.


Rebound Plus

(Rebound Plus Practitioner)
Also known as Step 2 (of 3) of the
Trampoline Coach 3-Step Pathway

Candidate with this certificate will have completed the standard Rebound Therapy Practitioner course and also the 'Rebound Plus' add-on module.

Authority Trampoline Coach

(Authority Trampoline Coach)
Also known as Step 3 (of 3) of the Trampoline Coach 3-Step Pathway

Candidate with this certificate will have completed the Rebound Therapy Practitioner training course, the 'Rebound Plus' add-on module (with validation to grade 8) and also the 'Beyond Rebound / Authority Trampoline ' trampoline coach add-on module.

Further skills workshops are available for those who require them. Please click here.


National Tutor

NATIONAL TUTOR. This qualification will validate the candidate to run Practitioner training courses in his or her country of residence.

CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL TUTOR must have already completed the Practitioner course and will have several years experience. He or she will undertake a comprehensive online and practical mentoring programme.

CANDIDATES FOR THIS level are invited to apply by emailing info@reboundtherapy.org

THE NATIONAL TUTOR LEVEL qualification entitles the candidate to eligibilty for Fellowship of the Rebound Therapy Institute. To register for Fellowship, email: rti@reboundtherapy.org

International Tutor

INTERNATIONAL TUTOR. Candidates for this level will already have completed the National Tutor Level and will undertake a further mentoring programme specific to their needs.

THERE IS ONLY a need for a small number of international tutors and candidates for this level will be invited when the need arises.


THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME, AND RESOURCES, and the badge and certificate awards for all levels of trampoline, from Rebound Therapy to advanced are available from Winstrada.

Their website address is: www.Winstrada.com