'Grow Your Own Coaches' Programme

Strategy for retaining members and developing coaches

Two of the most common challenges gymnastic and trampoline club owners will tell you they face are:
1) Recruiting coaches.
2) Keeping older members motivated and retaining them as they get older

Gymnastic Britannia, in association with ReboundTherapy.org has developed the 'Grow Your Own coaches™' programme to offer a solution to these challenges.
We have introduced a pathway of courses that gymnasts and prospective coaches can start taking from the age of 13. 
By encouraging your teenage members to enrol on the courses in this pathway, you can keep them motivated, retain them as members as they get older, and help them develop into your coaches for the future. 
As they work through the pathway, you give them the opportunity to gain recognised coaching certificates and to use their skills to help out in classes other than their own; maybe with the incentive of a small payment which would rise with each course taken.
This offers them a structured pathway to becoming a fully qualified, paid coach at the age of 18, and a valuable member of your club's team.



Age 13+: Trampoline Development Scheme Assessor Part 1. This will validate the candidate to assist a qualified coach by assessing children for grades 1 to 3 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme. ONLINE / DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE with video assessment. (No theory assessment.)
This course can be booked here.

Age 14+:  Trampoline Development Scheme Assessor Part 2. This will validate the candidate to assist a qualified coach by assessing children for grades 4 to 8 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme.  ONLINE / DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE with video assessment. (No theory assessment.)
(Prerequisite for this course is the Trampoline Development Scheme Assessor Part 1.)
This course can be booked

Age 15+: Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 1. This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching beginners up to grade 3 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme, including pre-school classes and Rebound Therapy, which also includes learning how to assist with developing programmes for complex needs.. THIS IS THE FULL REBOUND THERAPY COURSE - EITHER IN HOUSE, OPEN OR ONLINE.
Please click on the links for more information and to book.

Age 16+: Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 2. This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching intermediates up to grade 8 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme. THIS IS THE REBOUND PLUS COURSE - EITHER IN HOUSE OR OPEN. Please click on the link for more information and to book.
Prerequisite for this course is the Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 1 (Rebound Therapy course.)

Age 17+: Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 3.  This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching up to grade 10 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme. 
(Prerequisites are the assistant trampoline coach parts 1 and 2.)
This course is commissioned by Gymnastic Britannia and can be booked here.

Age 18: Fully qualified Trampoline coach. If the Assistant trampoline coach Part 3 has been completed, and less than three years have passed since completing the Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 1. the candidate will automatically  be validated to run, unassisted,, classes up to grade 10 of the Winstrada trampoline development programme. This includes pre-school classes and  Rebound Therapy. 

If three years or more have passed since completing Assistant Trampoline Coach Part 1, 2 or 3, an online refresher course is taken and then new certificates will be issued.





Age 13+: Gymnastics Development Scheme Assessor Part 1. This will validate the candidate to assist a qualified coach by assessing children for grades 1-3 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme.   EITHER IN HOUSE or OPEN comprising 8 hours practical plus reading material, or ONLINE with video assessment. (No theory assessment.)

This course is commissioned by Gymnastic Britannia and can be booked here.


Age 14+: Gymnastics Development Scheme Assessor Part 2 . This will validate the candidate to assist a qualified coach by assessing children for grades 4-6 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme.   EITHER IN HOUSE or OPEN comprising 8 hours practical plus reading material, or ONLINE with video assessment. (No theory assessment.)

Prerequisite for this course is the Gymnastics Development Scheme Assessor Part 1.

This course is commissioned by Gymnastic Britannia and can be booked here.


Age 15+:  Assistant Foundation Gymnastics Coach. This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching, beginners up to grade 6 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme. THIS IS THE FULL FOUNDATION GYMNASTICS COURSE - IN HOUSE or OPEN.

Preferred prerequisite for this course is the Gymnastics Development Scheme Assessor Part 2

Total 2 days (12 hours) + Online Reading 

This course is commissioned by Gymnastic Britannia and can be booked here.


Age 16+: Assistant Recreational Gymnastics Coach. This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching, beginners up to grade 10 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme. THIS IS THE FULL RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICS COURSE - IN HOUSE or OPEN.

Prerequisite for this course is the Foundation Gymnastics Assistant Coach

Total 2 days (14 hours) + Online Reading

This course is run by Authority Sports UK and can be booked here.

Age 17+:  Assistant Further Recreational Gymnastics Coach. This will validate the candidate to assist with coaching, beginners up to grade A2 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme. THIS COURSE COVERS GRADES A1 and A2 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme - IN HOUSE or OPEN.

​Prerequisite for this course is the Recreational Gymnastics Assistant Coach

Total 2 days (14 hours) + Online Reading

This course is commissioned by Gymnastic Britannia and can be booked here.


Age 18+:   Fully qualified Gymnastics coach. If the Assistant Gymnastics coach Further Recreational Gymnastics Assistant Coach has been completed, and less than three years have passed since completing the Foundation Gymnastics Assistant Coach course. the candidate will automatically be validated to run, unassisted, classes up to grade A2 of the Winstrada Gymnastics development programme.
If three years or more have passed since completing Foundation Gymnastics Assistant Coach Course, an online refresher course is taken and then new certificates will be issued.